Please avoid irrigation between 3 to 9 am, stagger usage
Our irrigation program seeks to alleviate usage during peak (early morning) hours and ensure public safety. High demand can result in reduced water pressure in the distribution system and low levels in water storage tanks, both of which adversely affect the performance of fire hydrants and other fire suppression facilities.
Customers with even-numbered addresses are asked to irrigate Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. Those with odd-numbered addresses are asked to irrigate Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Mondays are reserved as “no irrigation days” to accommodate for the very high water demands that are typically experienced specifically on Mondays.
Click here or on the graphic above right to request a sticker for your irrigation control panel. If you do not set your own irrigation system, this will help show your landscaper when to set up your system.
Clemson University Extension Service recommendations strike a balance between the irrigating needs and the operational needs of our water system. Using BJWSA’s irrigation usage times allow our water storage tanks to fill and also smooths out peak daily water usage demands that put significant strains on the water system.
Our Guide to Water-Smart Ornamental Plants can help you identify which plants work well in our region. Not only can these plants tolerate drought once established, they’re well suited to thrive in our soils, moisture and weather.
Eye on Water
New Beacon Meter Cellular Technology allows customers and BJWSA staff to access water usage, helping you find leaks and better manage water usage. Meter readings are updated once daily.
If you have a Beacon meter, register online here to monitor your usage from your computer or smartphone.
Wise Water Use
Although about 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered by water, only about 1% is available for human use. Each American uses an average of 80 gallons of water a day at home – enough to fill almost 1,300 drinking glasses!
Be a wise water user and reduce this amount significantly. One important thing you can do is to find any leaks – homes can waste more than 10% of water usage due to leaks.
BJWSA has always maintained a very fair leak adjustment policy. When we see high consumption on a customer’s account, we send a letter advising the customer to investigate. We follow up with meter calibrations and other means of determining leaks on our end. Once a leak is identified and repaired, customers may call the Customer Service Department at 843-987-9200 to report the leak and inquire about a possible billing adjustment. The Authority cannot make repairs beyond the meter box.
Irrigation Systems
Check for water in gutters or mud puddles. Inspect sprinklers and drip sprayers regularly for leaks. Older irrigation systems can lose anywhere from 50% to 75% of the water to leaks.
Watermarks on floors, walls or ceilings can indicate that an indoor pipe is leaking. Outside, standing water on the ground or pavement when there has been no rain can indicate a broken underground pipe. If you suspect a leak, do not wait; call a plumber.
Leaking toilets cause more water waste than any other fixture in the home – up to several hundred gallons per day. Leaky toilets often can be fixed by adjusting the float arm or plunger ball.
A continuously dripping bathtub or sink faucet can waste 20 gallons or more per day. Repairing a faucet is usually as simple as changing an inexpensive washer or valve seal. If you see a dripping faucet, fix it as soon as possible – all those drips add up quickly!