BJWSA and the S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control regularly sample and test water quality at our treatment plants, in the distribution system, and at home water meters across our service area.
You turn on your tap, fill your glass, and enjoy a cool drink of water. Pretty easy, huh? Not as easy as you might think — your drinking water goes through a carefully monitored, step-by-step process to make sure it is clean and safe before it reaches your faucet. BJWSA water operators go through an extensive certification process to learn the many requirements necessary to protect public health.
The journey of your drinking water begins as water is pumped from the Savannah River to our Chelsea and Purrysburg water treatment plants. These treatment plants have a capacity to produce up to 39 million gallons of water per day to residences, businesses and organizations.
BJWSA also uses water from the Floridan Aquifer, a large, underground bed of rock that holds and provides fresh groundwater to our wells. The Floridan Aquifer extends through Florida, south Georgia and parts of Alabama and South Carolina. We maintain three Floridan Aquifer wells in Bluffton, which add to the water supply during times of high water demand in the summer months. We also have Floridan Aquifer well water systems in Palm Key, Levy/Limehouse and surrounding communities and Point South.