Contact Tammy Holman, Procurement & Risk Management
Email Tammy Holman
Our Purchasing Division maintains a comprehensive list of suppliers – consultants, engineering firms, contractors, equipment dealers, service providers, goods/materials suppliers and other types of vendors. In many instances, BJWSA contracts with suppliers via blanket orders, service agreements and maintenance agreements. BJWSA encourages the use of locally based companies in Beaufort and Jasper Counties, and has adopted a Local Preference Policy.
When the estimated value of the purchase is:
- Under $25,000, BJWSA may only pursue quotes from suppliers.
- Over $25,000 and less than $100,000, BJWSA may solicit competitive offers by email or other electronic means from a minimum of three suppliers.
- For $100,000 or greater, BJWSA may advertise scopes of work via written specification in the form of a Request for Quotation (RFQ), Invitation for Bid (IFB) or a Request for Proposal (RFP). Bids or proposal requests may also be advertised on the BJWSA website and in the South Carolina Business Opportunities (SCBO) publication.
Normally, there is a minimum period of two weeks from notification to opening of bids/proposals.